Saturday 3 November 2007

Ernies Incredible Illucinations... the horribibble bits.

I have got back from my horribibble 10.00 til 2.00 E.I.I. rehersal. D=
There was a nasty piano/singing person who did nothing but critizise us. It was horribibble. and she was horribibbletoo. She told us to breathe in and out and she said if we did this every day we could be good singers- some day... she said. And she said we were terribibble singers and we couldn't sing, no, because she kept playing the piano too high, and i said " Please could you take the song down a note? because everyone is used to it lower and no-one can raech the note.=D " everyone agreed with me but she said "no. I did this when i was doing oklahoma and you can do it too. you just need practise.>:u("

x xxxxx x